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Entering order data for e-books

You can also order e-books via

It is a prerequisite for this action that you have concluded a corresponding e-book dealer contract for these specific products.

To conclude the dealer contract or if you have further questions, please contact sales: E-mail:

Once you have selected an e-book in the search results, order it and save the e-mail address with the customer data for the order along with the appropriate country code for the customer's address.

Enter your terms and conditions of licence and use along with your general terms and conditions in the configuration program on the Sonstiges [Other] menu in AGBs hinterlegen [Adding general terms and conditions].

Also take the opportunity to check whether you have entered your e-mail address in your client data. This address is required to send the e-book downloads in your name.

So that your customers can accept the terms and conditions of licence and use as well as the general terms and conditions prior to purchase, the order in the order book is only sent after express approval by you.

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