Entering e-book orderAfter you have selected an e-book in the search results, click Order and add the customer’s address to the order. The address must contain an e-mail address so that the link for downloading the address can be sent. ![]() ![]()
If the Country field of the customer's address is already filled with a valid ISO country code, e.g. DE, the customer's country of origin is already given in the Kundenland [Customer country] field (this field appears only with e-books), in this example Germany. When you save the order, the Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen [General terms and conditions] window opens automatically with your customer's address, the required e-book and your terms and conditions of delivery and use that you can print out and present to your customer. The order is added to the order book with the status E-Book entered. Once the customer has accepted the general terms and conditions, the customer can then pay for the e-book in advance at the checkout. |
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